PROTEIN 7® - Protein Blend - 1,8kg - Refill

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  • regular price $31.48

A BLACKSKULL™  Displays another product from the BLACKSKULL™ BRAND, Protein 7 BLACKSKULL™, is a new tool that helps in the daily battle of bodybuilding. PROTEIN 7® is a product that has fast absorption proteins and provides short proteins, average and long duration, keeping the essential amino acids for more time in blood. This is an optimal protein source to assist in  muscle mass gain. It can be used at any time of the day. 
IngredientsConcentrated milk serum protein, isolated soy protein, isolated milk serum protein, micellar casein, albumin, hydrolyzed milk serum protein, meat hydrolyzed protein, cocoa powder, flavorings, thickening xanthan and sweetening gum Sucralose. Gluten Free.
How to use PROTEIN 7®
Add 4 tablespoons (approx. 40g) from PROTEIN 7 ®  50 to 180ml of water, or according to the desired consistency, and consume once a day or according to the guidance of a specialized professional. Your consumption must be associated with a balanced diet and healthy life habits. 
Protein Blend:
Currently, the dietary supplementation market has a multitude of protein source options. Among them, we have "blend" shaped proteins, which means a mix of different protein sources on the same product. This feature offers differentiated absorption when compared to isolated proteins. This is because the "blends" possess in their whey protein composition, isolated milk serum protein, albumin, casein and some feature soy protein. 
With this "blend" of different proteins, its absorption is slower when compared to the isolated protein, in addition to the benefit of supporting the blood levels of amino acids longer. The prolonged absorption of protein blends can extend the time when amino acids are available in the blood, increasing demand for muscles and prolonging protein synthesis activity for longer, having a great result of muscle recovery, and, consequently, muscle gain.